
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taipei Story House

Summer is coming to an end (kinda) and I am getting ready for the show. In the meantime, I've just had
some random events here and there. A few of us were chosen to be spokespeople for a running event in Taichung (mid-Taiwan), which required us to attend a press conference. For the press conference we were also instructed to strike a pose according to their design. After seeing the "pose template" we joked that we had to do poses ExACTly as instructed, with Jasper sticking his leg out awkwardly, Eve' hair in the wind, and Jem doing a ballerina pose (on the left).

But the actual pose was obviously not as awesome as the planned template. We have to keep things professional!

At the press con:

The actual event is this upcoming Sunday, which I do look forward to!! If you're in Taichung and want to run sunday, just swing on by!!

Last Saturday, I was invited to sing at an event in Taoyuan Zhu Wei harbor. It was an event to help bring in more tourist to the area. The crowd was phenomenal and supportive so I had a lot of fun performing despite the mic not working and my music being wrong :p it's all part of performing. As long as you find ways past it

Being interviewed by the host

Du Mu and Eve were also there. It was a really fun night

Du mu also shared a pic of her cat who did this pose one day when it was too hot

Hahahahahah so cute and hairlarious at the same time! Then she added a beer bottle to make it look drunk

Cracks me up everytime xD

When I am in bad moods, BK is my comfort food. I love me some whoppers!!

One of my student's mom bought me a whole box of moon cakes for Mid-autumn festival! (a holiday in Chinese culture ) it was very nice of them ( and very tasty!)

So my self date this week was to the Taipei Story House near Yuan Shan MRT station.

I don't feel like typing the story behind the Mini museum so here's a picture of it instead:

the museum was holding a toy exhibit . It was fun and nostalgic to see some familiar toys from my childhood and also interesting to see the different styles and toys played by kids over the generations. Pictured is a description of the exhibit

The garden outside the house is very pretty and well-kept, reminding me a lot of my home back in Virginia

Pamphlets and ticket for the museum house

Unfortunately, pictures were not allowed in the house, but the inside certainly did have it's charm. Learned some really interesting facts about Teddy bears, barbies, porcelain dolls, and Japanese dolls though, such as:

- The total length of barbie sold can circulate the earth 7 times (wow)

- the "mackie" face mold with closed mouth introduced in 1992 to depict barbie as a working woman (so working woman aren't supposed to talk or smile?)

- Barbie bf Ken Carson was released in 1962 after her 1959 release

- First Taiwanese barbie factory was Meining Road in new Taipei city. In 1987 Mattel left tw, hitting the record by making 20000 dolls per day

- 2004 barbie and ken split (they broke up officially?!?!) why is that even necessary?

- Miaoli county was abundant in natural gas and coal making it the "hometown of ceramics" during the Japan era. Japan saw this as a great source of export business so they started making many porcelain objects such as dolls in european style

- Having a Japanese ningo doll was considered luxury at the time if the Japanese colonization. Having it as home decor or as a wedding dowry was considered luxury until 1970

Tw toy industry budded during Japan colonization era. Between 1960-1990 tw was worlds largest OEM manufacturer of toy's earning export value of over 1 billion US, second to Hong Kong. HK and Taiwan were known as "toy kingdoms."

The only room in which taking pictures was allowed was the paper doll "dressing room" because during some eras, dolls were too expensive to buy for kids so they made paper dolls, which came with an assortment of clothes letting poor children have the false illusion that they actually had awesome toys.

Example of paper toys

Notice the folds on the clothes so you can pin it on top of the figurine and make it appear as if they changed clothes

It was so cute to see children at the exhibit. You can tell they really wanted to play with everything, and it must have been tortuous to "only look and not touch" for them

There was a container outside the house for people to donate their second-hand dolls. I thought this was quite sweet.

I ended the date having cheesecake and a sexy glass of
Latte inside the cafe by the museum because it had started to rain. Took the time to brush up on my Chinese workbook

Sexy latte

The flower expo mascots!!

Btw in taiwan, 911 is 119 FYI

And on my walk home, I came across the construction site for what appears to be Noah's Ark. If the world floods, I know where to go!!!

Fin. Until next time!

Location:Taipei, Yuan Shan

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yehliu Geopark

So I do this thing once a week where I "go on a date with myself." I once read in a book somewhere it was good to do this for self-growth and self-appreciation purposes. Going on dates does not include spending time alone, but requires doing things outside of your normal realm of comfort. Supposedly, this process helps stimulate creativity and so far, I do have to say it does seem to work! Anyways this week I chose to take my date outside of Taipei city. I decided to go to Yehliu Geopark in the northern coast of Taiwan. I've been planning to go there since I came to Taiwan so I decided that today was the day! I first went to the Kuo Kuang buses at Taipei Main Station west bus terminal A(tickets are @96NtD).

1 hour ride outside of the city and I found myself in a fisherman harbor town. Once I got off the bus, the way to the park was marked by a big sign - good to know I was in the right place!

A temple found along the way to the park. I always find the temples in Taiwan to be nicely designed. This one was no exception.

After a short walk past numerous seafood restaurants, I arrived at the park entrance: at 50 NTD, the price is well-worth it.

When my mom came to Taiwan in January, I had hoped to rake her to the park, but we never made it because of time. So I skyped with her today so that she could be there with me! I also joked that she saved the admission price haha

"the queen head has gotten so much smaller!" the Queen Head" is one of the main attractions the park is most known for. Her neck is predicted to break soon though due to erosion, so that was another reason why I chose to come to the park.

"don't get too close!!! It's dangerous!" (mom being a mom)

"what the heck is that? @ the fairy slipper rock. It's hard to tell when it's so far away but here's a closer look

"this kinda looks like a ..."
Me "yeah, it does. Mother Nature is so perverted'
Mom "Hahahah"

It was starting to get late for mom so I let her go to see after I gave her a view of the sea. I continued exploring the park some more

Sand dollar

View of the park

Cool looking rock

Cave! I love caves

At the end of the gave was a little creepy figurine. It gave me the creeps so I didn't get too close.

The cave entrance looks vaguely to be the shape of Taiwan. How appropriate !

Parade of "water cockroaches" had to be at least 1000 of them

Gorgeous water!! In the distance is turtle island. A lot of fishermen around

Honey comb rock

I don't know why but the last two big rocks look like sea monsters to me. The first a big scary jellyfish monster and the second looks like a big scary squid monster

Foot-shaped hole

Awesome sign "weeeeeeee"

Deadly drop. So the sign was appropriate but why is there rope there ?

Climb to the top was a bit tiring

But well-worth the nice view

The rocks on the right are known as "tofu rocks"

Hahah the boulder has a small retard face

Ape rock (actually looks like one if you look at it in the right angle)

I think this is supposed to be something ... Looks like a peanut to me. What do you think?

In line to take pictures with the queen

Proud to be a tourist

Mushroom rocks

Heart rock

Cool shadows

Hahah such a nerd

Queen head 2 (queen imposter!!!)

It was time to leave, but I had to stop by The Queen Restaurant before I returned to Taipei! Ordered fried rice and stir-fried fish belly. Yumm!

Cool! Maybe I should return next year to check it out

After sweating the whole day, I was ready to go home but it really was a great adventure!